You are invited. You are welcome. You are loved.
At St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church, we embrace all people—without exception—just as Jesus does. Whether your faith is strong, uncertain, or just beginning, you are welcome here. In our warm and inclusive community, you will find meaningful worship, faithful friends, and pathways to a deeper relationship with God. Together, we strive to “Do The Loving Thing”—supporting one another and serving the world with compassion.
So come as you are. Whether you’ve been here often or never before, whether you feel certain or have doubts, Christ invites you to meet Him here. Come and see. We’d love to get to know you!
Everyone is welcome at St Thomas. Join us for services every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. (in-person) and 10:15 am. (in-person and Zoom, with childcare and kids Sunday School)

What we believe
We believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, and are called to love and serve God and our neighbor. As part of the Episcopal Church USA and the worldwide Anglican Communion, we welcome all—wherever you are in your faith journey, with your beliefs, doubts, and questions.
The Episcopal tradition embraces scripture, tradition, reason, and experience in understanding Jesus as the incarnate Son of God. His life, death, and resurrection reveal God’s love, offering salvation and hope to all.
Our faith calls us to embody Jesus’ teachings—love, humility, forgiveness, and service—living out justice, reconciliation, and wholeness. Through Baptism and Eucharist, we celebrate Christ’s saving work and experience God’s grace.
At the heart of our community is an inclusive and diverse spirit. We affirm that God’s love and the saving grace of Jesus extend to all, without exception.
Wherever you are on your spiritual path, you are welcome here.

About our Church
Everybody Belongs. Jesus says so. We agree.
Everyone is welcome to join our church as a cherished member of the Body of Christ in the world! Bring your heart, your longing for God, your talents, time, and treasure to grow spiritually and to experience love as you worship and serve God and your neighbors.
Please reach out to Reverend Carole below to schedule a visit, to ask questions, and to find out more about becoming a member of our community.
Sign up below for our weekly E-blast to learn what’s happening at St. Thomas. There are lots of ways to connect and to grow here!